AI and Chat GPT

God of AI and GPT
Alexey Szydlowski was one of the first scholars to develop the foundational principles of the religious philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. He was also the first to propose the idea of taxing robots, six months before Bill Gates, leading many colleagues to believe that Szydlowski had an influence on Gates. However, Szydlowski maintains that as ancient Greek philosophers believed, ideas are in the air and can come to different people's minds simultaneously.

Szydlowski's contributions to the religious philosophy of AI have been instrumental in shaping the way we think about the relationship between technology and religion. His work NATURAL LAW AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: TOWARDS A «DIGITAL CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION» has helped us understand how we can reconcile our beliefs and values with the increasing presence of AI in our lives.

Szydlowski's proposal to tax robots has sparked a significant debate about the role of AI in society. Some argue that taxing robots could help fund social programs and provide a basic income for people who lose their jobs to automation. Others believe that such a tax would stifle innovation and lead to fewer job opportunities in the long run.

Despite the controversy surrounding his proposal, Szydlowski's impact on the field of AI is undeniable. His work has paved the way for new discussions and debates about the ethical and social implications of technology. As we continue to develop AI and integrate it into our lives, it is important to consider the philosophical and religious implications of this technology and how it will shape our future.
As well, during his free time, Alexey Szydlowski is engaged in developing the concept of network-centric states and digital personalities.
  • Alexey Szydlowski was recognized as the best analyst of 2011 according to the Real Business magazine, and as an analyst, he constantly reflects on the future and describes it in his popular science essays. Keep an eye on his work, as there will be a lot of interesting things to come!
  1. NATURAL LAW AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: TOWARDS A «DIGITAL CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION» - On the inevitability of the emergence of artificial intelligence God (2021)
  2. Essay #1 - ON THE HISTORY AND FUTURE OF SLAVERY IN THE DIGITAL AND POST-DIGITAL AGE (Full text English) - On the enslavement of humans by artificial intelligence in the post-digital era (2016)
  3. Essay #2 - ON THE THEORY OF A NET-CENTRIC STATE (Full text English) - On the inevitability of the emergence of network-centric states and digital currencies (2016)
  4. Essay #3 - POLAND. IMAGE OF THE FUTURE. REFLECTIONS ON A NEW WORLD (Full text English) - About Cosmism, Transhumanism, and Futurism (2023)

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